We reflect on the past year and the accomplishments the not so "accomplishedments" and where we are headed for the new year. Always hoping to do more and better, next year.
I had a number of accomplishments last year. I had several large commissions, took 3 trips with one more looming right around the corner, painted and drew, never quite as much as I would have liked to. Found a wonderful holistic vet who finally figured out my Border Collie's allergies. Had a wonderful start to the garden, which the summer heat did a number on. I got a brand spanking new car, when my old one of 15 yrs. went to the shop for the last time. Made some new friends. Feasted and frolicked with many of my old friends.
I can always do more and be better, something to reach for, almost like the sun peaking thru the clouds and lighting up a fall colored hillside.